PDF⋙ Einstein: Visionary Scientist by John B. Severance

Einstein: Visionary Scientist by John B. Severance

Einstein: Visionary Scientist

Einstein: Visionary Scientist by John B. Severance PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Albert Einstein expanded the way we understand our universe and helped create a framework for modern physics with his groundbreaking theory of relativity. In this detailed and well-balanced biography, illustrated with exceptional archival photographs, John B. Severance recounts Einstein's life from his privileged childhood and disappointing early career to his later recognition as one of the most respected and beloved scientists of this century. The author identifies Einstein's complex theories and makes clear why his ideas are still the basis of work by today's top physicists. He also reveals many of Einstein's inner complexities and eccentricities, exploring the personal and public controversies that followed him throughout his life. What emerges is a picture of a brilliant, compassionate, yet imperfect man whose remarkable theories gave the world an enormous push into the future.

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