PDF⋙ The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends) by George Selden

The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends) by George Selden

The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends)

The Cricket in Times Square (Chester Cricket and His Friends) by George Selden PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

After Chester lands, in the Times Square subway station, he makes himself comfortable in a nearby newsstand. There, he has the good fortune to make three new friends: Mario, a little boy whose parents run the falling newsstand, Tucker, a fast-talking Broadway mouse, and Tucker's sidekick, Harry the Cat. The escapades of these four friends in bustling New York City makes for lively listening and humorous entertainment. And somehow, they manage to bring a taste of success to the nearly bankrupt newsstand.

The Cricket in Times Square is a 1961 Newbery Honor Book.

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