PDF⋙ The Wine-Dark Sea by Robert Aickman

The Wine-Dark Sea by Robert Aickman

The Wine-Dark Sea

The Wine-Dark Sea by Robert Aickman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Peter Straub called Robert Aickman 'this century's most profound writer of what we call horror stories'. Aickman's 'strange stories' (his preferred term for them) are a subtle exploration of psychological displacement and paranoia. His characters are ordinary people that are gradually drawn into the darker recesses of their own minds.

First published in the USA in 1988 and in the UK in 1990 The Wine-Dark Sea contains eight stories that will leave the reader unsettled as the protagonists' fears and desires, at once illogical and terrifying, culminate in a disturbing yet enigmatic ending.

For fans of the horror genre Robert Aickman is a must read.

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