PDF⋙ Turning the Tide: Making Life Better for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Schoolchildren by Gina A. Oliva, Linda Risser Lytle
Turning the Tide: Making Life Better for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Schoolchildren by Gina A. Oliva, Linda Risser Lytle
Turning the Tide: Making Life Better for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Schoolchildren by Gina A. Oliva, Linda Risser Lytle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Turning the Tide presents a qualitative study of deaf and hard of hearing students who attended mainstream schools. The authors conducted three focus groups in different regions in the country, enlisting six to eight participants with diverse backgrounds for each session. They also gathered information from 113 online respondents who answered the same questions used in the focus groups. The respondents discussed many issues, including the difficulties of finding friends and social access, the struggle to establish an identity, the challenges of K-12 interpreting and class placement, and the vast potential of summer and weekend programs for deaf students. Their empowering stories clearly demonstrate that no deaf or hard of hearing student should be educated alone. The authors also elicited comments on other changes that parents, advocates, and other allies could work toward to improve further the educational environment of deaf children.
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