PDF⋙ Pharmacology: Principles and Practice by Miles Hacker, William S., II Messer, Kenneth A. Bachmann
Pharmacology: Principles and Practice by Miles Hacker, William S., II Messer, Kenneth A. Bachmann
Pharmacology: Principles and Practice by Miles Hacker, William S., II Messer, Kenneth A. Bachmann PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This unique and much needed textbook meets the rapidly emerging needs of programs training pharmacologic scientists seeking careers in basic research and drug discovery rather than such applied fields as pharmacy and medicine. While the market is crowded with many clinical and therapeutic pharmacology textbooks, the field of pharmacology is booming with the prospects of discovering new drugs, and virtually no extant textbook meets this need at the student level. The market is so bereft of such approaches that many pharmaceutical companies will adopt Hacker, et al. to help train new drug researchers.The boom in pharmacology is driven by the recent decryption of the human genome and enormous progress in controlling genes and synthesizing proteins, making new and even custom drug design possible. This book makes use of these discoveries in presenting its topics, moving logically from drug receptors to the target molecules drug researchers seek, covering such modern topics along the way as side effects, drug resistance, Pharmacogenomics, and even nutriceuticals, one in a string of culminating chapters on the drug discovery process.
*Uses individual drugs to explain molecular actions
*Full color art program explains molecular and chemical concepts graphically
*Logical structure reflecting the current state of pharmacology and translational research
*Covers such intricacies as drug resistance and cell death
*Consistent format across chapters and pedagogical strategies make this textbook a superior learning tool
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