PDF⋙ DoodlyCouch Sample Book: A Sampling of our Journals by Amy S Morgan

DoodlyCouch Sample Book: A Sampling of our Journals by Amy S Morgan

DoodlyCouch Sample Book: A Sampling of our Journals

DoodlyCouch Sample Book: A Sampling of our Journals by Amy S Morgan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

DoodlyCouch workbooks and journals are designed to help you express your feelings in an easy, creative way - by drawing! We offer a children's self-therapy workbook called "Draw Your Feelings Out," which asks a child how they feel about 30 different topics, and gives them a couple of pages to draw their answer. The "Today I Feel..." series of journals asks on each page/day... "How Do You Feel Today?" There is a small set of emotion faces so that you can circle the one that fits best, and then a whole blank page, so that you can draw out how you are feeling on that day. Each page has a "Date" space so that you can use the workbook as a journal.

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