PDF⋙ Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by James E. House, Kathleen A. House

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by James E. House, Kathleen A. House

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry

Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by James E. House, Kathleen A. House PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book covers the synthesis, reactions, and properties of elements and inorganic compounds for courses in descriptive inorganic chemistry. It is suitable for the one-semester (ACS-recommended) course or as a supplement in general chemistry courses. Ideal for major and non-majors, the book incorporates rich graphs and diagrams to enhance the content and maximize learning.

  • Includes expanded coverage of chemical bonding and enhanced treatment of Buckminster Fullerenes
  • Incorporates new industrial applications matched to key topics in the text

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