PDF⋙ The Unfortunate Endeavours of Charles Henry Brown: Aeronaut 1827-1870 by Terence FitzSimons

The Unfortunate Endeavours of Charles Henry Brown: Aeronaut 1827-1870 by Terence FitzSimons

The Unfortunate Endeavours of Charles Henry Brown: Aeronaut 1827-1870

The Unfortunate Endeavours of Charles Henry Brown: Aeronaut 1827-1870 by Terence FitzSimons PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is the biography of a pioneer aeronaut, Charles Henry Brown, whose life-long obsession with aerostation took him from his native Great Britain to Australia and India. The story of his quest for recognition is deeply researched, while being told in an anti-generic mode – imagined dialogue, play scripts and speculative interventions.
To date Brown’s story has not been told in any great detail, and in the few instances where his achievements have been noted the records are marred by inaccuracies. While the story is prima facie an historical biography it also highlights the travail and frustrations faced by the early aviation pioneers – in an age of innovation and advancement they were viewed by many in the scientific community, and the general public, as being no more than providers of novelty entertainment. Brown never accepted this role and had a greater vision of the future of aviation.
Brown’s story also reflects the many interesting, and to us, peculiar aspects of contemporary Victorian society.

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