Louisiana Swamps and Marshes: Easy-Access Hikes and Drives by Anne Butler, Henry Cancienne
Louisiana Swamps and Marshes: Easy-Access Hikes and Drives by Anne Butler, Henry Cancienne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Includes directions and information for thirty-seven of Louisiana's easily accessible natural parks and wetlands.Louisiana's wonderful wetlands, coastal marshes, and swamps have meant much to different visitors over the years--sustenance for fisherman and trappers, food supplies for hunters, inspiration for artists and writers, hideouts for hermits and pirates, unbroken solitude for weary souls and assorted dreamers clinging to a vanishing way of life.
But these wonderful wild spots are so fragile, and every year brings the loss of more of them. We have been so careless about our environment in the past, so sure our natural resources would last forever. Now we know better.
Noted photographer Henry Cancienne has a passion for preserving our unique natural environments through his spectacular images, and in this book he shares some of his favorite walking trails and drives, most free and easily accessible via raised boardwalks and well-maintained paths. Significant spawning/nesting/breeding grounds and vital habitats for wildlife, including a number of endangered species, these wetlands and wildernesses are themselves in danger of vanishing as well. Visit them while you can.
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