PDF⋙ Fabulous Fashions of the 1930s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades) by Felicia Lowenstein Niven

Fabulous Fashions of the 1930s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades) by Felicia Lowenstein Niven

Fabulous Fashions of the 1930s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades)

Fabulous Fashions of the 1930s (Fabulous Fashions of the Decades) by Felicia Lowenstein Niven PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In the 1930s, the boyish flapper fashion of the 1920s gave way to womanly curves. The clothes were soft and feminine. Women grew their hair out and styled it into finger waves and pin curls. Sweetheart necklines and suntans were in style. But life was far from glamorous for the millions of Americans who lost everything during the Great Depression. Read about the fashions, fads, pop culture icons, and world events of the 1930s.

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