PDF⋙ Those Terrible Grey Horses: An Illustrated History of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Regimental Histories) by Stephen Wood

Those Terrible Grey Horses: An Illustrated History of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Regimental Histories) by Stephen Wood

Those Terrible Grey Horses: An Illustrated History of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Regimental Histories)

Those Terrible Grey Horses: An Illustrated History of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Regimental Histories) by Stephen Wood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

On 18 June 1815, the Royal Scots Greys charged Napoleon's infantry columns, capturing the eagle of the French 45th Infantry. Napoleon is said to have commented of the regiment, 'Ah, ces terribles chevaux gris (those terrible grey horses)'. Today that eagle is the regimental badge of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Scotland's senior regiment and her only regular cavalry. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and their antecedents have been involved in every major British campaign since the 17th century. Here Stephen Wood tells the story of glorious cavalry charges and terrifying tank battles, from the Western Front to the liberation of Basra. Stunning paintings bring the narrative to life while contemporary photography depicts both the horror and the compassion of modern warfare as witnessed by the officers and troopers of this unique regiment.

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