PDF⋙ The Morningstar Diaries: Ava by Lydia Drace

The Morningstar Diaries: Ava by Lydia Drace

The Morningstar Diaries: Ava

The Morningstar Diaries: Ava by Lydia Drace PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Born as a human, Ava became a hybrid Seraphim as a result of her joining to Lucifer, The Morningstar, the highest of all God's Seraphim. After their marriage, the unconventional couple made an agreement to live apart in order to provide a normal life in the best interest of their son, Tyler. Torn between her duties as a human and a mother, and her duties as Queen of the Cyrillian angels and wife of Lucifer, Ava juggles many roles that sometimes leaves her frustrated. Now, with her brother-in-law Abaddon hell bent on ending her life to destroy Lucifer, Ava seems to buckle under the weight of the life and title she has chosen. However, even though she still has human blood, Ava has a will and determination that has yet to be matched by even the greatest of warriors.

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