PDF⋙ Montana Mainstreets, Vol. 5: A Guide to Historic Kalispell by Kathryn Mckay

Montana Mainstreets, Vol. 5: A Guide to Historic Kalispell by Kathryn Mckay

Montana Mainstreets, Vol. 5: A Guide to Historic Kalispell

Montana Mainstreets, Vol. 5: A Guide to Historic Kalispell by Kathryn Mckay PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Founded in 1891 as a railroad town for the transcontinental Great Northern Railway, Kalispell, Montana, faced bitter disappointment when the railroad relocated its route to the north in 1904. Most towns suffering similar fates fell into decline, but not Kalispell, which had become Flathead County seat in 1894, remained a trade center of a large area, and later became a gateway to Glacier National Park. Discover the history and architecture of this leading town of northwest Montana.

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