PDF⋙ Accountability Dialogues: School Communities Creating Demand From Within by Kate Jamentz

Accountability Dialogues: School Communities Creating Demand From Within by Kate Jamentz

Accountability Dialogues: School Communities Creating Demand From Within

Accountability Dialogues: School Communities Creating Demand From Within by Kate Jamentz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This concise book explains some of the common misperceptions about school accountability and provides a strong rationale for including Accountability Dialogues in any accountability system. Developed from the experience of the Western Assessment Collaborative (WAC) in working with California schools and districts, the book also describes how Accountability Dialogues propel efforts to implement standards-based reforms and strengthen the relationships among parents, educators, and the community at large. Examples from schools that use Accountability Dialogues provide a real sense of what can happen when responsibility for school improvement is shared among all the stakeholders in a school community.

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