100 Classical Studies for Flute: UE12992 by Frans Vester
100 Classical Studies for Flute: UE12992 by Frans Vester PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This collection of flute studies brings a new and fresh approach to students. The selection of material has been made from a wide range of musical periods including such different types of study as melodic, stylistic, technical and virtuoso.Vester has provided a page of information printed in German & English.Contents:*Gariboldi: 12 studies*Tolou: 3 studies from Opus 100*Andersen: 5 studies from Opus 37*Gariboldi: 6 studies from Opus 132*Kohler: 5 studies from Opus 331*Demersseman: 5 studies from Opus 4*Gariboldi: 7 studies from Opus 128*Furstenau: 6 studies from Opus 42*Berbiguier: 10 studies*Frederick the Great: 9 studies*Drouet: 13 studies*Hugot: 2 studies*Gariboldi:: 7 studies*Devienne: 9 studiesFrom reader reviews:
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