PDF⋙ Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod by Mark Tatulli

Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod by Mark Tatulli

Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod

Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod by Mark Tatulli PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

LIO is brilliant! In this post-Calvin and Hobbes and post-Far Side world, this is the brass ring for cool!" --Dallas Morning News

* LI O is a pantomime strip featuring a curious young boy whose daydreams embark from reality destined for the dark chasm where wit and sarcasm collide.

Drawn in the age-old style of pantomime strips, LIO offers a decidedly new and edgy twist to the wordless comic format. That's right, LIO is so crafty it doesn't need word balloons, dialogue boxes, or clever captions. Mark Tatulli's cartoon also employs a unique drawing style influenced by cartooning greats Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, and 19th-century satirist A. J. Volck.

* In describing his strip, Tatulli explains he was eager "to bring something truly different to the comics pages . . . something to appeal to all ages, drawn in pictures only. To tell a story without text, while updating the pantomime concept with a modern audience in mind."

* The result is a mind-bendingly humorous and astute journey into the darkly detailed world of young LiO--where a spit wad can put a school bus out of commission faster than a spider can hamper the efforts of the U.S. Postal Service.

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